CEW2020 Our Hope In Christ

“Christ is alive! He is our hope, and in a wonderful way, he brings youth to our world, and everything he touches becomes young, new, full of life.”

(Pope Francis,


Being the Church during Holy Week

Palm Sunday marks the start of the holiest week in the Christian Liturgical calendar. A day often marked with pews filled with families waving palm leaves was celebrated this year by priests and religious in mostly empty churches,


Community & COVID19

The world feels like a very different place than when I left Assumption on the Friday before March Break. In some ways, the differences are obvious – moving on on-line grocery shopping,


Lenten Homeroom Challenge!

Assumption students are being asked to think about all the ways they can develop a more generous disposition this Lent with our annual 40 Acts of Generosity Campaign! This year,


Welcome to Semester 2!

Hopefully first term went well for you, and you are satisfied with your results.  But if that was not your experience, don’t let past mistakes define your future endeavours!  Successful people learn from past experiences,

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