Chaplain’s Corner: United in Prayer

Deliver, O Lord this city, and every city, town and village, from famine, plague, earthquake, flood, fire, sword, foreign invasion, and civil war

Liturgy of St. Basil the Great

During these times when the world is dealing with COVID-19 pandemic, we are called to be responsible and prudent in order to stop the spreading of the virus. At the same time, we should not neglect the spiritual season we find ourselves in.

With most church services being cancelled, let us not forget about the importance of our personal prayer. Our personal prayer is the anchor of our faith during these uncertain times and it is the best way to overcome challenges in order to remain as one Body of Christ.

There are many challenges we are facing ahead, but the hardest I find is keeping distant from my brothers and sisters in Christ. On the other side, COVID-19 pandemic has taken us home to our family members and pulled us out of the regular pace we follow on daily basis. We are given the opportunity to self-reflect upon things that we usually wouldn’t have time for.

Personal prayer is the anchor of our faith during these uncertain times

Great Eastern theologian, Fr. Thomas Hopko, once said, “We can overcome everything in our lives with grace and relative ease. But to remain steadfast in prayer? Make no mistake, prayer is hard work. And when we pray, every demon in hell comes and tries to mess it up and destroy it.”

Our commitment to find time for our personal prayer during these times of social distancing is the most important feature of our spiritual life. We are all connected thru prayer. If we stop praying, overwhelmed by the things happening around us, we will lose our inner source of peace and judgment and we will separate ourselves from the wellspring of strength and healing we desperately need.

Even though we are unable to gather safely in our churches for worship, let us continue praying for our needs and for the needs of others. Let us support one another in whichever way we can during these times.

I will conclude with words of a great church leader, his Beatitude Cardinal Husar:

Let us work as if everything depends on us; let us pray as everything depends on God

Beatitude Cardinal Husar

Fr. Andrija Petresin

Brophy, PatrickChaplain’s Corner: United in Prayer