Cybersecurity Awareness Month

October 26 to November 20, 2020 marks Cyber Awareness Month. The four-week K-12 campaign, led by The Educational Computing Network of Ontario (ECNO)​ raises awareness of the new educational realities of teaching, learning and connecting that students, parents and staff have experienced this past year.

This awareness month emphasizes how we can all do our part to protect against cyber threats in our new learning environments and workspaces. 

The campaign theme for this year is “Work, Teach, Learn Remote, Secure and Safe” with an objective of helping everyone in K-12 education – teachers, staff, students and parents – be safer and more secure online.

Weekly Themes

The campaign is divided into weekly themes which highlight cybersecurity, online privacy and online safety; all important aspects of K-12 learning. Check out the HCDSB website for learning tips and resources each week!

More Information

Visit ECNO – Cyber Awareness Month 2020 for more information on online security, safety and privacy. Follow @HCDSB on Twitter and @haltoncatholicdsb on Instagram for tips and learning throughout the month!

Gligoric, JulianaCybersecurity Awareness Month