
“School chaplaincy is a pastoral role carried out in an educational setting in a collaborative and cooperative manner in order to promote the spiritual and human development of the members of the Catholic school community.”

– Ontario Bishops, Pastoral Letter on Catholic Secondary School Chaplaincy, OCCB, March 2009

It is understood to be an essential ministry to the whole Catholic school community, students and staff. This ministry is collaborative and encourages the gifts of others; it is pastoral and spiritual, involving liturgy and prayer, teaching, counselling and witness.

Chaplains are professionals who have undergone theological education and formation to prepare themselves for this role. Chaplains understand that they share in the Church’s ministry to its members and are guided by the Church’s teaching and practical advice; they foster a sense of collegiality with all the Church’s ministers; and, they understand their specific ministry in the broader context of the life of the Diocese.

Lorenzo Campanelli is our school Chaplain.

A Message from Our Chaplain

Greetings from Holy Trinity Chaplaincy! Our Catholic perspective shows in every subject area and through the actions and attitudes of our whole staff. As Chaplain at Holy Trinity, I’m privileged to focus on spirituality, working deliberately to build us up as a community of faith.

In the first half of every semester, Grade 9 and 10 Retreats are in full swing. Each religion class will go on a one day retreat, during school hours. We explore a theme from the perspective of our faith in a loving God, using discussions and active learning. Grade 11 and 12 Student Retreat Leaders are the sparks that make our retreats memorable.

We also offer Bereavement Group. It is open to any student who has experienced the death of a family member. We meet in a supportive and confidential environment to process the loss and promote healing. If you think you could use this group, please drop by the Chaplaincy Office and let me know.

Drop by my office anytime if you want to say hi, or if you need a listening ear, or if you’re interested in Chaplaincy events. My office is across from the student services office, not too far from the chapel. I’d be happy to hear from you.

Mr. Campanelli

De Franco, RobChaplaincy