Cohort Info

We thank you for your patience as we developed the cohorts for the first quadmester starting on Wednesday September 9th.  The cohorts have been determined as follows:

A – KCohort A
L – ZCohort B

There are some cases where this was not feasible for all students.  We have approximately 50 students that could not be placed in the cohort aligning with their last name.  This was done to ensure course selections were honoured and Public Health directives were adhered to.  These students will be contacted by phone, tomorrow by 3:00 PM.

Students will be expected to log into D2L using their email address.  D2L is now the primary hub for all course information.  Teachers will be reaching out to students in their class through their D2L email on Tuesday September 8, 2020.

If students are having any difficulty logging into their D2L account, please contact Mrs. Ellison at

Please review the HCDSB Return to School Plan for the daily schedule.  The schedule for the week of school is as follows: September 7-11 Schedule.

Please continue to check our Loyola website for updates and important information and ensure that your email and contact information is up-to-date in the Student Information System.

Sincere thanks,

Loyola Administration


Morrow, AmandaCohort Info