Code of Conduct Information

Dear Parents and Guardians, 

As Digital Citizens, users recognize the rights, responsibilities and opportunities of living, learning and working in an interconnected digital world, in which they act in ways that are safe, legal and ethical.  

Students are required to demonstrate digital citizenship through the appropriate use of technology as outlined in our code of conduct.  Our school’s Code of Conduct can be found on our school website here.   

During this period of Remote Learning, there is an expectation that students continue to abide by Board and school Codes of Conduct.  To ensure the safety and well-being of all students, please review these student expectations. 

 Students are expected to: 

  • Treat other students and school staff with dignity and respect.  
  • Represent only themselves online. Students should never pretend to be someone else or allow someone else pretend to be them.  
  • Complete all work assigned to the best of their ability while adhering to rules around plagiarism.  
  • Always protect their password(s) and schoolwork so others cannot take advantage.  
  • Use appropriate and encouraging language when posting opinions, critiquing others and chatting on school platforms.  
  • Immediately contact the teacher if they are having issues with class platforms (e.g., password no longer working, difficulty submitting work, concern about cyber-bulling, etc.) 
  • Notify their teacher should they feel their work has been compromised, copied or used without their permission.  
  • Be aware that inappropriate behaviour online could result in disciplinary action as per our Progressive Discipline policy 
  • Follow the Ontario Catholic School Graduate Expectations while engaging in distance learning 

We are committed to working with you to ensure a safe and productive learning environment for all members of our school community.  As always, if you have any questions or concerns, please feel free to contact me.  


Mr. A Perusin


Related Documents: 

Ieraci, JustinCode of Conduct Information