Monday, November 6, 2023

Treaty Recognition Week Nov. 5-11

Treaties Recognition Week will take place this year from November 5th-11th

Some of you may be wondering “What is Treaties Recognition Week? The Ontario government designated the first week of November as Treaties Recognition Week in 2016 to honour the importance of treaties, to help Ontarians learn more about treaty rights and treaty relationships and to increase awareness of the treaty relationships between Indigenous and non-Indigenous communities in Ontario. Most of Ontario is covered by 46 treaties and other agreements between two or more nations. Every Canadian is a treaty person and has a responsibility to the treaty relationship. 

Why is Treaty Week Important? It is important for all Ontarians to understand the role treaties play in our lives and relationships with each other today as we move forward together to advance reconciliation. By building understanding, we are advancing reconciliation with Indigenous people to help create equitable and respectful relationships to enable a better future for all Ontarians.

Student Tutors Needed

Attention grade 11 & 12 students! We are in need of some student tutors. If you are looking for volunteer hours or just want to help out your fellow Hawks, please pick up a form and drop it off to Student Services. See Ms. Orlando if you have any questions.

Boys Basketball Tryouts

Boys Basketball tryouts will be held this week:

Gr. 11-12 Monday @4:00 / Gr. 11-12 Thurs. @2:30 / Gr. 9-10 Fri. @ 2:30

Please let Mr. Hassan know if you have any questions.

Jr. Girls Volleyball

For all girls trying out for Jr. Girls Volleyball today after school. Gr. 10 will be from 2:30-3:30 and Gr. 9 will be from 3:30-4:30.

Loyola School Play

Attention Loyola! The moment is finally here: our very first meeting for this year’s school play is coming up this Friday after school from 2:30-3:00. Information will be given and students will sign up to either audition, or be a part of our marketing team or backstage crew. Opportunities for student leadership will also be discussed. Again, that meeting is this Friday at 2:30 in the drama room (180).

Robotics Team

The FireHawks participated in The STEMley Cup off-season event held in Hamilton on Saturday. Our remarkable little robot, Phoenix, showcased its exceptional skills on the field. Our veteran team members took on the role of mentors, introducing our rookie members to the exciting world of FRC. It is truly astonishing to witness the tremendous growth our team has achieved over this past year. We are grateful for the valuable lessons learned. 

Although Phoenix had its final competition match on Saturday and has now officially retired, we cherish the lessons this little robot taught us along the way. As we look forward to the season ahead Phoenix will always be an inspiration to us and a symbol what hard work and collaboration can accomplish. 

Thank you to the team members, parents, board members, and Loyola staff who joined us in cheering on our team during the weekend. Keep the cheers coming because the FireHawks are just getting started. 

All students and staff are invited to meet Phoenix on Wednesday Nov 8th in the atrium to celebrate National STEAM Day during period 3A and 3B lunch.

Borrowed Chromebooks

Just a reminder to students who have borrowed a Chromebook from the library. All borrowed Chromebooks need to be returned to the library ASAP to be formatted for OSSLT.

Student Parking Passes

This is an announcement for all students who are parking in our school parking lot. All student drivers must complete a paring pass request form. Parking pass request forms are available in the main office.

Attention Graduating Students

The first step of your graduation is already here, and that is to have your graduation photo taken. These photos will be in the school yearbook, and you will receive a composite in June showing the full class of 2024. You don’t want to be left out. Pictures will be taken in our school library, beginning November 13th. For photo details and information on how to sign up, see the email that has been sent to you. It is also posted on the student services D2L site, under announcements. Financial assistance is available through your VP if you need help paying the $40 sitting fee.  

OSSLT Prep Course

Just a friendly reminder the OSSLT prep course is running tonight after school in rooms 235, 237 & 239 for all current grade 10 English students.

Loyola Wellness

There will be a Wellness meeting today after school in the cafeteria. See you there!

Loyola Curling Team

This announcement is for all curlers on the Loyola Curling Team: Your first mandatory session is today, after school, from 3-5pm at the Milton Curling Club. Please check the Google Classroom for the information. If you have any questions, or need to hand in your permission forms, please see Mr. Costa today on 3A or 3B lunch in room 118 or Mr. Angaran.

Student Life Expo

Students interested in attending the Student Life Expo in Toronto on Nov. 18th tickets are available in Student Services.

Cross Country Update

The Loyola XC Team had 2 athletes competing in the OFSAA Provincial Cross Country Championships in Toronto on Saturday.  The day that started off under heavy cloud and bone chilling rain slowly opened to soaring high clouds dispersed upon bright patches of blue sky which portended the special events that would unfold throughout the day. 

Just as Sheyana Herbert was lined up to start her 4km race, the sun began to shine brightly over the field of runners and at the firing of a pistol into the air, the runners began their stampede.  Sheyana pushed herself past the pain and to her limits finishing in 3rd place in the province in her category, almost 3 minutes faster than her previous run on this same course a month earlier.   

Later in the day, Romain Sordet ran in the ultra-competitive Senior Boys race.  Last year, Romain completed the race at OFSAA in Uxbridge and finished 82nd in the province.  This year, Romain elevated his standing with a 10th place finish moving his rank from 82nd to 10th in Ontario in a single year.  Romain ran a blazing 3min:11seconds / kilometer average speed over the entire 6km distance.  

And so, the challenge ramps up:  Can you run even a single kilometer in 3 minutes and 11 seconds?   

That’s 2 and a half laps around the track.  Let me know and we can put you to the clock to see! 

Both Sheyana and Romain enjoyed the privilege of receiving their honours before family and all spectators during the awards ceremonies and Romain’s family from France were also fortunate to be here to see this special accomplishment. 

Ms. Fu and Mr. Sebben celebrate not only the special achievements of Sheyana and Romain but most of all the grit and commitment of the long and lonely trail runs of all our team’s runners that nobody sees.  Trust me when I tell you, you have become the better person for it! 

Sr. Boys Soccer

This announcement is for all grade 11 and grade 12 boys interested in trying out for the Senior Boys Soccer Team. There will be two separate tryouts this week.  

For Grade 11s, your first tryout is Tuesday (tomorrow) morning at 7am on the outdoor pitch.  For Grade 12s, your first tryout is Wednesday afternoon at 2:45 on the outdoor pitch.  

You need your permission forms signed and handed in to Mr. Costa or Mr. Solimine before the tryout!  

Student Services

Reminder applications for the TD Scholarship for Indigenous Peoples is due online by the end of the day today!

Mark your calendars!  Loyola will be hosting a College & Apprenticeship Fair for students during both lunches on Tuesday, November 14th; and a University Fair on Thursday, November 16th!  Make sure to check out the amazing post secondary pathways that are available for you to explore.

Scott, JoanneMonday, November 6, 2023