Thursday, May 30, 2024

Attention Graduates!

This is a reminder to complete the Google Form that was emailed to you by Mrs. Smith to request the number of tickets you need for the graduation ceremony on June 25th. This form is due tomorrow. If you do not complete this form by tomorrow, you will be given 2 guest tickets to the graduation ceremony by default.

Attention all grade 12s: The deadline to accept an offer for University is on Monday June 3rd. Please go to the Student Services page on D2L for intructions and further information. DO NOT FORGET TO ACCEPT!

Student Services

If you have registered for Co-Op summer school, remember the mandatory in-person preplacement class is this Thursday May 30th at Thomas Merton Centre.

Pride Pop-up Shop

Hey Hawks! Starting this Friday, May 31st during 3A and 3B lunches until Wednesday June 5th we will be hosting a Pride Pop Up Shop in the atrium. Come by and checkout the goods we have for purchase. See you then!

Congratulations Jr. Boys Soccer Team

Congratulations to the JR Boys Soccer Team for winning their semi-final game vs HT yesterday with a 3-1 victory!! The team now advances to the HCAA final on Monday to play CTK. Good luck team!

Volunteer Opportunity St. Bernadette

We are looking for some volunteers for the end of year BBQ at St. Bernadette on June 6 from 4:30-8. Volunteers would be responsible to look after some of the games. Please see Mrs Luis in Student Services if you would like to sign up to volunteer.

Multicultural Club

Loyola Multicultural Club will be having a brief meeting after school in Rm. 195 to plan our year-end event. New members are always welcome!

Chromebook Return Reminder

A foot is a unit of length or distance. Please put your best foot forward by returning Chromebooks on Monday, June 3rd. Math EQAO will need Chromebooks in mid-June.

Congratulations Sr. Girls Soccer

A special congratulations to the senior girls soccer team for winning GHAC championships! They are on their way to OFSAA! 

Therapy Dog Visit

Hey Hawks! Just a reminder that Winnie our therapy dog will be here today in the Library during 3A lunch for grades 9 & 11 students! Please come to sign up outside CYC office located beside the main office.

Scott, JoanneThursday, May 30, 2024