Tuesday, March 22, 2022

Knitting Club

The knitting club will meet after school today in room 206

Health & Wellness SHSM – Raptors Game

Attention Health & Wellness SHSM students attending the Raptors game on March 30th. There is a mandatory meeting on Wednesday after school in room 239.

Loyola Spirit Day Wednesday

This is a reminder that tomorrow is Loyola Spirit Day. Wear your Loyola Spirit Wear with your uniform bottoms.

Jr. & Sr. Badminton Team

Anyone interested in trying out for the junior or senior badminton team this year must attend a meeting today immediately after school in the gym with Mr. O’Hara.

Attention Grade 12s

This entire week is a spirit week for you. Tomorrow you can get comfy in your pajamas, appropriate of course. And then Thursday is to dress after a fictional character and Friday to dress like you did in grade 9. See twitter for more details.

Jr. & Sr. Girls Soccer

There will be a brief meeting after school today in the gym for any girls (Jr. & Sr.) interested in trying out for the soccer team. If you cannot attend the meeting, please see Ms. Orlando before the end of the day.

Waterloo Computer Programming Contest

Mrs. Alfano would like to thank all those students who participated in the University of Waterloo computer programming contest on Feb. 16th. Students spent 3 hours trying to solve 5 programming problems and should be congratulatd for their efforts. A special congratulations goes to Kristian Diana who received a Certificate of Distinction for scoring in the top 25% of all contestnatns who wrote across Canada at the junior level. Way to go Kristian!

Scott, JoanneTuesday, March 22, 2022