Wednesday, October 12, 2022

Math Club Homework Help

If you are taking math this semester, come drop in to the Math Club, which focuses on Homework help. Come work with your peers to complete your math homework, while being able to ask qeustions and get extra support. The Math Club will run every Thursday from 2:30 to 3:30 n room 211. No need to sign up, just drop in!

Robotics Team

Robotics team members are asked to check their emails for an important message. There will be full team meeting on Wednesday and Thursday this week in room 167 at 2:40.

Wellness Council

Wellness Council meeting is cancelled for today and is rescheduled to after school on Monday October 17th in the library. See you ther!

Multicultural Club

The multicultural club will meet tomorrow, Thursday Oct. 13 after school in room 247. We will have a student from Nigeria who will be teaching HipHop and Afrobeat Dancing!

Development and Peace Club

There will be a Development and Peace Club meeting today at 2:30 in room 235. All are welcome!

Girls Varsity Hockey

Girls Varsity Hockey forms for tryouts can be picked up in Room 133. There will be a quick meeting after school on Thursday.

Loyola Curling Team

To all those interested in playing Curling this year, there will be a very brief meeting outside the Health & PhysEd Office tomorrow (Thursday) after school.

Glee Club

There will be a Glee Club rehearsal today after school at 2:30 in room 235.

Girls Who Lift

All girls who are interested in getting or staying in shape. Join girls who lift, Monday to Thursday right after school in the weight room! See Ms. Walker or Ms. Fu for more information.

Competitive Trivia Team

A message from Mr. Hodges and Mr. Zoratti . We are looking for students who are interested in joining Loyola’s competitive trivia team! Both former members and new faces are encouraged to come out.

There will be a brief meeting today , after school, in the Learning Commons, for anyone who wishes to learn more. Hope to see you there!

Student Services Announcements

Loran Scholarship applications are due tomorrow by 8:00pm.

The last day to self nominate for U o T’s National Book Award is this Thursday, October 13th.

The College fair is taking place next week on October 19th and 20th at Enercare Centre.

Loyola Cross Country Team Update

Last Thursday, the Loyola Cross Country team took part in the Brock University Badger Invitational. On a perfect day for running, all members pushed themselves to complete great runs. Well done to all our runners! Congratulations go out to Romain Sordet for placing 4th out of 115 runners completing 6 km with a time of 20 min. 43 sec.

Sign up for Hilton Falls Pre-GHAC meet is posted on Google Classroom. We continue practice today after school.

Scott, JoanneWednesday, October 12, 2022