Student Council 2020/2021

We’re looking for people to run for President and Vice President for Student Council. For those interested in running as a grade rep, please scroll lower.

Running for President and Vice President

  1. Paragraph – Write a short paragraph explaining why you want to run for President or Vice President. Email it to and – Please have this paragraph submitted by Monday, May 18, 2020
  2. Signatures – You will need to collect 50 ‘signatures’ via google forms – after you submit your paragraph, you will be sent a google form link that you can send out to people to ‘sign’ (reminder: they will need to use their Loyola Google Account to complete) – This will be due on Thursday, May 28th
  3. Video Speech – Record a video of your speech. This will be posted on the school website for people to vote. Try to keep it short (less than 2 minutes). Explain why you want to be elected, what you plan on doing as President or Vice President, why you are an ideal conadidate, etc … – This will be due on Thursday, May 28th


  • Videos will be posted to the school website the week of June 1 – 5
  • Students will be able to vote on Google Forms (Students will need their Loyola Google Account to vote)
  • You will be permitted to campaign on social media, but all content (posters, graphics, etc …) must be approved by Mrs. Stewart or school administration.


  • President – one year of student council experience and must be on student council
  • Vice President – One year of student council experience (does not have to be on student council currently)


  • One president candidate and two VP candidates will be elected based on their number of votes
  • Elected individuals will be announced after the elections week.

Running for Grade Rep

What is a grade rep?

  • Student Council is made up of 7 representatives from each grade
  • As a grade rep, you will attend student council meetings where you will discuss ideas for the student body and plan events like Coffee House and Semi Formal
  • It is a wonderful opportunity to meet people, get involved in the school, and represent your grade!

How to Run:

  1. Paragraph – Write a short paragraph explaining why you want to run for President or Vice President. Email it to and – Please have this paragraph submitted by Friday, May 22, 2020
  2. Audio Speech – Record an audio recording of your speech. This will be posted on the school website for people to vote. Try to keep it short (less than 2 minutes). Explain why you want to be elected, what you plan on doing in student council, why you are an ideal conadidate, etc … – This will be due on Thursday, May 28th


  • Audio speech will be posted to the school website the week of June 1 – 5
  • Students will be able to vote on Google Forms (Students will need their Loyola Google Account to vote) for their choice of up to 7 candidates


  • Seven candidates will be elected per grade
  • Elected individuals will be announced after the elections week.
Wong, KevinStudent Council 2020/2021