Monday, December 6, 2021

It’s Computer Science Education Week!

This week is Computer Science Education Week! The theme this year is #CSEverywhere. Mrs. Alfano and Mr. Zoratti will be visiting various classes this week to highlight this theme. Prizes will be given away during the visits AND each class that participates will be eligible to win a class pizza party! Also, a #CSEverywhere activity will be posted on the Loyola twitter and instagram every day. Complete the daily activity for a chance to win an amazon gift card!

Extra Homework Help for Gr. 9 & 10-All Subjects

Attention Grade 9 & 10 students who need extra homework help, we will be running free tutoring sessions in all subjects this week on Tuesday December 7th and on Thursday December 9th in room 239 from 2:30 – 3:30. All are welcome to drop in.

Loyola Singing Club

The Loyola singing club will be having practice tomorrow! Any students who are interested in joining can meet in room 237 at 2:30 today. This is the last call for anyone looking to join!

Girls Varsity Hockey

There will be a mandatory girls varsity hockey meeting in room 133 after school today. Please message Mrs. Condello through Teams if you cannot attend.

Alpine Ski & Snowboard & Nordic Teams

The Loyola Alpine Ski & Snowboard Team and the Nordic Team will be training inside today. Please meet with the coaches in the small gym at 2:30 to check in and begin training.

St. Matthew’s Parish Mitten Drive for National Mitten Tree Day

We invite our families to support St. Matthew’s Parish mitten drive for National Mitten Tree Day on December 6, 2021. Students are encouraged to bring in a new pair of mittens or socks. There is a box just inside the main doors of the school. All donations will be forwarded to St. Matthew’s Parish to support the Catholic Children’s Aid Society. We will be collecting mittens and socks from Monday December 6 to Friday December 10. Let’s work together to ensure everyone in our community is warm and cozy this Christmas. Thank you for your continued support and generosity as we put our faith into action and support our community.

National Day of Remembrance and Action on Violence Against Women, or White Ribbon Day.

Today is recognized as the National Day of Remembrance and Action on Violence Against Women, or White Ribbon Day. The Montreal Massacre, occurred on this day, in 1989, at Ecole Polytechnique University. Fourteen women were murdered that day and thirteen people were injured. At the time, people saw this as an isolated event, and did not make the connection that it was an attack on women. However, now that event is recognized for what it was, a misogynists attempt to reverse the minimal progress that had been made at the time. We hope to continue to move forward and understand that as a society, we can always be doing better, and we want to support everyone with whichever path they choose, and treat them with dignity, equity and respect.

Graduation Photos

If you haven’t yet booked your graduation photos, please do so today. There are limited spots available for tomorrow as Pegasus will be leaving Loyola this week. If you do not have your photos done this week, you will need to go to Pegasus’ studio in Stoney Creek. Details to book are on our Loyola website and have been emailed to parents and grade 12 students.

Girls Who Lift

Reminder to all grade 9-12 girls that Girls Who Lift will take place Monday, Tuesday & Thursday after school in the weight room. Please see Mrs. Osorio if you have any questions.

Scott, JoanneMonday, December 6, 2021