Monday, September 12, 2022

Loyola XC Team Registration

The Loyola XC Team training will start today. Athletes can submit their forms to the coaches at the beginning of practice. Please meet the coaches in the atrium at 2:40 to sign in and begin training.

Message from Student Services

Attention Gr. 11s and 12s. Are you interested in getting some volunteer hours 1-2 times a week after school? Are you good at math and/or science? If so WE NEED YOU! If you are interested in becoming a peer tutor, please visit the Student Services D2L page or contact Mrs. Sotiropoulos in student services. The commitment is 1-2 time per week and the hours go towards your community service for graduation.

Breakfast Table!

Just a reminder we are once again be offering our delicious and nutritious “Breakfast Table. We will be set up in front of Hawk’s Haven (just outside the cafeteria doors) each morning from 7:30am – 8:15 and will offer healthy snacks to any student who needs one. 

Whether you haven’t had breakfast, have forgotten your lunch, or just need a little extra something to get you through the morning, we are here for you. Every Loyola student is welcome to stop by for a snack if you need one. Thank you to Halton Food for Thought for supporting this important program and to the staff and students who volunteer to help!

SHSM Social Justice/Non Profit

Attention SHSM Social Justice/Non Profit STUDENTS! Please see Mrs. Ambroszkiewicz for a brief meeting Wednesday, Sept. 14th at 2:25 in room 146. Check the google classroom for more information.

Girls Field Hockey

Attention all girls who signed up to play field hockey. There will be a brief meeting in the gym today immediately after school.

Student Council

Attention all grade 10,11,12 Student Council members. There will be a meeting today in room 288 after school.

Girls Who Lift

Reminder that a Girls Who Lift information session will be held today after school in room 219 .All grades welcome!

Jr. Girls Basketball

All Jr. Girls interested in trying out for the basketball team, please pick up permission forms in the gym today after school.

Scott, JoanneMonday, September 12, 2022