Tuesday, October 11, 2022

Waterloo Math Contest

For those interested in the University of Waterloo math contests, this is a reminder that we have practice today after school in room 211. Registration for the first math contest will open sometime next week. Listen for the announcement. You do not need to attend practice to write the contest, but it would be beneficial.

Equity and Inclusion Committee Meeting

The Equity and Inclusion Committee will have their first meeting today in the library at 2:30pm.

Girls Varsity Hockey

Girls Varsity Hockey forms for tryouts can be picked up in Room 133. There will be a quick meeting after school on Thursday.

Multicultural Club

The Multicultural club will meet on Thursday, October 13th after school in room 247.

Trivia Team

A message from Mr. Hodges and Mr. Zoratti . We are looking for students who are interested in joining Loyola’s competitive trivia team! Both former members and new faces are encouraged to come out.

There will be a brief meeting tomorrow, after school, in the Learning Commons, for anyone who wishes to learn more. Hope to see you there!

Varsity Boys Hockey

This is a reminder to all boys trying out for the varsity hockey team that you’re on the ice at 2:00pm today at Glen Abbey arena. Remember no permission forms means no ice. Please bring a white and a dark jersey.

Robotics Team

Robotics team members are asked to check their emails for an important message. There will be full team meeting on Wednesday and Thursday this week in room 167.

Loyola Black Students Association

This is for all Black students in Loyola and serves as a safe community to chat, cook, learn new skills, and participate in many events to come. The first meeting will be during your lunch periods on Tuesday October 11th at the conference room in the main office. Don’t forget to drop in , no sign up required.

Student Services Announcements

Loran Scholarship applications are due tomorrow by 8:00pm.

The last day to self nominate for U o T’s National Book Award is this Thursday, October 13th.

The College fair is taking place next week on October 19th and 20th at Enercare Centre.

Scott, JoanneTuesday, October 11, 2022