Monday, December 5, 2022

Auto Club

Hey Loyola! Do you have an interest in Auto but didn’t get into an Auto class? Come join the Auto Club! Auto Club is open to all students grades 9-12 an no experience is necessary. We will meet twice a week on Tuesdays and Thursdays from 2:30 – 4:00 in the Auto Shop.

What will you do at Auto Club? Everything from basic tool use to participating in vehicle restorations and basic vehicle maintenance. If you are interested in learning more or in joining, come to room 165, the Auto Shop, to pick up the application form.

Auto Club will officially start on December 13th and run until June! Space is limited so don’t miss out!

Sr. Boys Soccer

For all those on the Sr. Boys soccer trial list, there will be a mandatory session on Wednesday, after school outside on the turf. Please bring your permission/concussion forms if you haven’t already. Be sure to dress for the weather!

Computer Science Education Week

Today marks the start of Computer Science Education Week around the world! Each day this week, we will be sharing some trivia about the world of computing!
Today’s topic: the iPhone!
Did you know… as of 2022, there are more than 1.2 billion active iPhone users in the world, and that number is still on the rise. Due to the ongoing success of the iPhone, Apple has reported nearly 400 billion dollars of revenue just in 2022! Compare that to twenty years ago, back in 2002, when Apple reported only $5 billion dollars of revenue.

Listen for more Computer Science trivia tomorrow morning! 

Student Senate

Did you know that the amount of household waste produced rises by over 25% during the
holidays season? The HCDSB student senate environmental stewardship committee is hosting a
thrift shop where students and community members can purchase donated items to reduce
holiday waste! This event is taking place in the atrium on December 16th and 19th from 5pm to
7pm. Please bring gently used clothing, toys, books and games to the box located in the atrium.
Every item will be bought through tickets. Tickets are $2 and can be bought through school cash
online and cash on the night of the thrift store. Donations will be accepted until the 16th of

Black Student Association

If you are interested in joining the Black Student Association there will be a get together in Mr. White’s room (179) on Tuesday December 6th, that’s next Tuesday, after school. Come find out what the BSA is all about. All are welcome. Plus there are free cookies just for showing up!

Scott, JoanneMonday, December 5, 2022