Monday, February 27, 2023

Mentor Interviews

Reminder to Grade 10s who signed up for a mentor interview Wednesday last week, they will take place this afternoon in room 135. If your interview was Thursday, they will take place tomorrow after school in either 135 or 247. If you have any questions please reach out to Mrs. Cheal.

Debate Team – Provincial Debate Tournament

This weekend the Loyola Debate Team of Mara Phillips and Lauren McGuire competed in the Ontario Debate Society’s Provincial Tournament. In their first ever Provincial Tournament, and competing against some of the top teams in the province the team won 2 of their 6 matches. Since the girls have only been teamed together for only a few months, the results are quit impressive, and we wish them continued success in future events!

Sr. Boys Basketball

A reminder that the Sr. Boys Basketball Team will meet in the gym today immediately after school.

Loyola Alpine Ski and Snowboard Team (LASS)

Loyola snowboarders Eilah Garey, Danika Grenci, Emily Thresher, KaiItlyn Turnbull and Alyssa Volante will be competing at Snowboarding OFSAA and the Provincial Boardercross race on Wednesday March 1 and Thursday March 2nd. The 5 girls are among the top 10 fastest racers in GHAC! Please meet with the coaches in the Coop Office, Room 170 at 2:30 today.

Jr. Boys Soccer Team

This message is for students trying out for the Jr. Boys Soccer Team. The updated team list has been posted outside room 222. Students on the list are reminded of their training session tomorrow (Tuesday) morning at 6:45am in the gym.

Jr. boys soccer players are to check their school gmails for the latest updates.

Football Player Training

This is a reminder to the football Players that there is off season training after school. Please meet in the gym.

Business SHSM

This is a quick reminder that students in the Business SHSM an Mr. De Stefano’s period 4 “Intro to Business” class are dismissed at 8:45 am this morning for their trip to Sheridan’s Business School. Please meet in the atrium ready to go.

Student Services Announcements

Just a reminder to Grade 12s graduating this June: Community Service Hours are due to your Guidance Counsellor by this, Wednesday March 1st!

Year 5 applications are now available in Student Services.  Please see your Guidance Counsellor for more details.

And to all Grade 9s, 10s and 11s, your course selection for the 2023-24 school year is due midnight this Friday March 3rd through myblueprint!

Gay Straight Alliance Meeting

There will be a GS meeting today during both lunches in room 104.

Scott, JoanneMonday, February 27, 2023