Thursday, February 9, 2023

Valentine Candygrams

Valentine candygrams will be sold in the atrium this Friday and the following week for 50 cents each. You will need to know your friends 1st period class teacher. Be sure to bring in your quarters to send candy to your friends and secret admirers!

Red & White Civvies Day

On Valentine’s day (Tuesday, February 14th) we will be having a paid civvies day supporting the Indigenous Advocacy Committee’s initiative to fundraise for the Wabshkaa Animkii Binesi Youth program in Thunder Bay. Please wear red, white and or pink!

Jr. Boys Soccer

This message is for any students interested in playing for the Jr. Boys soccer team. The grade 10 tryout on Friday afternoon at 2:30pm will be outside. Pease check your Loyola gmail for information.

Math Homework Club

The math homework club starts back up today. Come and join us to get some help with your new math courses. This is open to all grades. Also, we are looking for tutors to join us so please consider if you have some math knowledge to share. It is every Thursday at 2:30 in room 211.

Games Club

Just a reminder that Games Club is running today, after school in the Learning Commons, until 4:00pm.

Night School Registration

Just a reminder for all students that night school registration is still open. The deadline to register is 12:00pm Friday February 17th!

Scott, JoanneThursday, February 9, 2023