Friday, March 24, 2023

Mentor Applications and Interviews

Attention all grade 11 students who applied to be a mentor, the first round has been posted on the classroom door of 135. Please follow the instructions posted and sign up for an interview time. Make sure you record the date, time and room number. Good Luck!

Math Peer Tutors Wanted

Attention grade 10s and 11s! Are you a superstar when it comes to math? Do you need to start on those volunteer hours?? Then we NEED YOU! Please fill out a form on D2L to become a peer tutor or come get a form in Student Services!

Touch Football Tryouts

Attention grade 9-12 girls: Touch Football tryouts will be on Tuesday at 7:00am. Please see Ms. Osorio, Ms. Memmelo, or Ms. McMurrich if you have any questions.

Student Services

Year 5 applications are now available in Student Services. Please see your Guidance Counsellor for more details.

Scott, JoanneFriday, March 24, 2023