Tuesday, March 7, 2023

Waterloo Math Contest

What do baby parabolas drink? …… Quadratic formula!

For more fun with math, register for the University of Waterloo Math Contests. The grade 12 Euclid contest is on April 4th and the grades 9 to 11 contests are on April 5th. To register, pay the deposit on School Cash Online before it closes tomorrow. Assuming you attend the contest, the fee will be refunded to you. See Mrs. Smith if you need additional information.

Debate Team

Just a reminder that this weeks Debate meeting will be on Thursday this week and not today.

Ultimate Frisbee

For anyone in grades 11 and 12 who are interested in joining the Ultimate Frisbee team there will be a session after school today in the gym.

Student Services

Year 5 applications are now available in Student Services.  Please see your Guidance Counsellor for more details.

The deadline for the Optimist Oratorical Contest is this Wednesday, March 8th.

Mentor Applications

Attention all grade 10 students who applied to be a mentor. The list has been posted on the door of room 135. Please follow the instructions posted.

Jr. & Sr. Girls & Boys Soccer

This is an announcement for members of both the senior and junior girls and boys soccer teams. If you are interested in a soccer field trip to Varsity Stadium downtown, at the University of Toronto, there is a sign-up sheet outside room 118. More information can be found on that sheet or through Mr. Costa.

Girls Who Lift

This is a reminder the girls who lift will be running today after school.

Scott, JoanneTuesday, March 7, 2023