Tuesday, May 23, 2023

Student Services

Summer School Registration is now open!  Visit your myblueprint account to sign up!  The deadline for the 2 credit co-op is this Friday, May 19th!

Reminder, applications for the Oakville Soccer club Scholarship Program are due this Friday, May 26th.

Graduation Ceremony Tickets

Gr. 12s, please make sure to check your office 365 email accounts for the link to request your grad tickets for the ceremony on June 27th. See Mrs. Smith if you need help accessing this.

U of T Field Soccer Field Trip Opportunity

For all those who signed up for, and returned their permission forms for the University of Toronto Field trip with Mr. Costa’s soccer class on Monday May 29th, school cash on line has been set up, please have your trip paid for by Wednesday morning.

Girls Football

Attention touch football. There will be a practice tomorrow morning. All must attend.

Athletic Banquet

Attention Athletes! Don’t forget to purchase your ticket for our annual Athletic Banquet! Tickets are on sale on school cash online. The banquet will be held on June 16th – don’t miss out!

Wellness Workshop

Attention all female student athletes! Loyola will be having a wellness workshop on June 13th during period 4. Three time WNBA player and Canadian Olympic Basketball Player will be visiting and doing a fun hands on activity. There is no cost to attend. Just sign up outside of Ms. Burnett’s office by May 19th to RSVP!

Girls Who Lift

This is a reminder that Girls Who Lift will take place today after school.

Scott, JoanneTuesday, May 23, 2023