Monday, June 12, 2023

Health & Wellness SHSM Enrollment

Attention all grade 10 & 11 students! Enrollment for the Health & Wellness SHSM is now OPEN for September 2023. Please pick up an enrollment form from Student Services. You can submit to “assignments” on the Student Services D2L page or to Mrs. Scott in the Main Office. Please email or see Ms. Coutu if you have any questions.

Special Event with WAB Youth in Thunder Bay

Many of you here at Loyola, both staff and students, have very kindly and generously donated to our fundraisers held over this past school year in support of the WAB (Wabshkaa Animkii Binesi) youth program in Thunder Bay.

The program coordinator and the young students who take part in this program would like to say a special thank you to our school for all we have done for them this year. And so, on Monday, June 12th at 2:30 in the Library we will partake in a zoom call with a special message from the children of the program. And of course, our Indigenous Advocacy Committee will have a special message for them as well.

We would like to extend an invitation to everyone to join us if you can. There is no need to RSVP, just come to the Library right after school on Monday.

Also, Doug Doolittle, an indigenous elder, will be here on Monday during both lunches to lead a drumming circle in the Atrium. We will have 30 drums available, and anyone can participate. Just show up in the Atrium, help yourself to a drum and follow along.

We hope to see you at one or both of these events!

Message for Graduates

Grad gown and tickets will be distributed next week on Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday. Please check your email for your pick up date and time. PLEASE BE SURE TO FOLLOW THE SCHEDULE!

Gr. 12s Uniform Donations

Bring your gently used uniform pieces t the main office and receive a slip to wear civvies during your exams starting June 16th to 21st. All proceeds from the resale of uniform donations goes to support our Life Skills programming.

Missing Flags

Hey Hawks! We hope you really liked the Multicultural Fair that we had on May 18th! It was a lot of fun! We have noticed that quite a few country flags did not get returned, and this will make it more difficult to represent your culture next year. If you or your friend still have one of our flags, please drop in off in the Main Office or in room 247, no questions asked. We would really appreciate your support in returning the flags.

Pasta & Diaper Drive

We are running a Pasta & Diapers drive for families in need at Six Nations of the Grand River Reserve, Child and Family Services. While you are out shopping, please consider picking up some pasta and sauce and for our staff who have little ones, next time you are buying diapers and wipes perhaps pick up an extra pack to donate to this important drive. Your contribution can make a world of difference to a family in need. 

There is a bin outside the main office for you to place your donation into. If you would like to make a monetary contribution and have us do the shopping for you, please drop your donation off to Mrs. Scott in the Main Office. Thank you kindly!

Student Services

Summer School Registration is still open!  Visit your myblueprint account to sign up! 

Track & Field

This past weekend, the Loyola girls relay team of Debbie Suluman, Favour Odin, NataLIA Murillo, Alyssa Stephenson and Sophia Caride traveled to Ottawa to compete at OFSAA for a chance of becoming Ontario Champions. Andrea Viloria, an integral member of the team that helped get the team to OFSAA was unable to join us, but we knew she was there in spirit cheering us on.

On the Thursday night, in rainy weather and on a wet track, the girls easily secured a spot in the finals qualifying 4th fastest out of 22 teams. Did they have enough in the tank to go better on the Friday and secure a spot on the podium?

On Friday evening the coaches and parents waited nervously in the stands for the girls shot at glory.

The starters pistol fired, Debbie Suluman took off from the blocks on the B of the BANG quickly closing the gap on the competition.

Taking over the baton on Leg 2 was newcomer to the team Favour Odin – Favour dug deep and fought hard to maintain our position.

Natalia Murillo, the queen of curve running, picked up the baton on leg 3. She may be small but ran with a mighty stride impressing other coaches and onlookers in the stands, catching up to runners ahead.

In 5th position heading into the final leg, anchor Alyssa Stephenson still had work ahead of her amid stiff competition. But work she did, storming home past two rivals and securing 3rd place for the team 4 tenths of a second off of the silver medal.

After the race Alyssa commented that she saw that she was behind but said to herself, “No we’re coming in 3rd!” and that they did! A huge achievement to take home a medal in the Senior division as an all Grade 11 team.

What an amazing finish to the season. Your coaches are so proud of your performance and look forward to seeing you all do it for a 3rd time next year! Great work to all members of the Track & Field team this year!

Scott, JoanneMonday, June 12, 2023