Thursday, November 9, 2023

Boys Basketball Tryouts

Boys Basketball tryouts will be held this week:

Gr. 11-12 Thurs. @2:30 / Gr. 9-10 Fri. @ 2:30

Please let Mr. Hassan know if you have any questions.

Loyola School Play

Attention Loyola! The moment is finally here: our very first meeting for this year’s school play is coming up this Friday after school from 2:30-3:00. Information will be given and students will sign up to either audition, or be a part of our marketing team or backstage crew. Opportunities for student leadership will also be discussed. Again, that meeting is this Friday at 2:30 in the drama room (180).

Bantam Boys Basketball

If you are interested in trying out for the Bantam Boys Basketball Team, please come by room 131 at the end of the day and get a form from Mr. DiNardo. Tryouts will begin next week.

Borrowed Chromebooks

Just a reminder to students who have borrowed a Chromebook from the library. All borrowed Chromebooks need to be returned to the library ASAP to be formatted for OSSLT.

Attention Graduating Students

The first step of your graduation is already here, and that is to have your graduation photo taken. These photos will be in the school yearbook, and you will receive a composite in June showing the full class of 2024. You don’t want to be left out. Pictures will be taken in our school library, beginning November 13th. For photo details and information on how to sign up, see the email that has been sent to you. It is also posted on the student services D2L site, under announcements. Financial assistance is available through your VP if you need help paying the $40 sitting fee.  

Math Help

Math help is today after school in rom 211.

Caribou Math Contest

Tomorrow is the last day to sign up for the Caribou Math Contest. To sign up, scan the QR code on the posters located beside most math classrooms and complete the linked form. You must sign up again, even if you wrote the first contest. If you did not write the first contest, you can still sign up for this second one. The contest is on November 16th, either during period 4 or after school. The game challenge for this contest is the Spider Web game. This can be accessed on the website to practice beforehand if you wish. See Mrs. Smith in room 211 if you need help accessing the games. 

Student Life Expo

Students interested in attending the Student Life Expo in Toronto on Nov. 18th tickets are available in Student Services.

Girls Varsity Hockey

The girls varsity hockey meeting has been rescheduled for Thursday after school in room 239.

Culture of Life Club

Our meeting scheduled for Friday has been moved to next Wednesday in room 147. Hope to see all of our members there!

Student Services

Mark your calendars!  Loyola will be hosting a College & Apprenticeship Fair for students during both lunches on Tuesday, November 14th; and a University Fair on Thursday, November 16th!  Make sure to check out the amazing post secondary pathways that are available for you to explore.

Scott, JoanneThursday, November 9, 2023