Monday, February 5, 2024

HFFT Breakfast Table Program

We have a couple of important announcements about our Halton Food for Thought Breakfast Table Program.

The first part of this message is for students in all grades. If you are looking to earn some community hours we are still looking for 6 enthusiastic volunteers to come in one morning each week and help with set-up, food prep and working at the breakfast table. You must commit to being here on your scheduled day from 7:30-8:20 and be available for the full semester. If you are interested, please see Mrs. Scott in the Main Office as soon as possible.

Also, to our staff, sadly two of our wonderful Breakfast Table staff volunteers will be leaving Loyola and we will need to replace them. If you are available one morning per week from 7:30 – 8:15 to help oversee the breakfast table student volunteers, please see, or email Mrs. Scott in the Main Office as soon as possible.

And lastly, Many of you have accessed our amazing Breakfast Table which is made available to all our students here at Loyola every morning between 7:45 and 8:20 just outside of Hawks Haven. This program is provided by Halton Food for Thought and is generously funded through organizations like President’s Choice Charities, Grocery Foundation Charity and the United Way.

Each year, throughout the month of February, Halton Food for Thought celebrates “Feeduary” where they highlight the importance and positive impact these Student Nutrition Programs have on our students and so tomorrow we will be hosting a Feeduary event right here at Loyola. We will have some special guests visiting our school between 7:45 and 8:30 including The Executive Director and the Director of Operations of Grocery Foundation Charity, a representative from the United Way, Brenda Agnew, HCDSB trustee and Vice Chair as well as Carrie Baillie, Oakville Community Development manager from HFFT.

We will be serving up fruit smoothies made with our incredible blender bikes from our Health & Wellness SHSM program as well as some egg bites and many of the usual morning snacks we provide for you each day. Please stop by for the smoothie and/or a snack and to say hello to our special guests!

We are looking forward to brightening February with our Student Nutrition Program, Breakfast Table spotlight! 

Trivia Night

Volunteers are needed for this Friday nights trivia night. In one day you can get 8-10 hours! See Chaplain Wayne asap to sign up and confirm.

Get a table together to compete against other teams and teacher tables. Groups like Student Counci, BSA, GSA, Sports teams – get a table together. $10 each or $100 for a table of 10-Snacks and pop included! Prizes as well!

Chinese New Year Celebration

Attention Loyola students. Chinese new year is on Feb. 10th and we will be celebrating on February 13th. Please use the QR codes posted around the school to sign up. If you have any questions please see Ms. Osorio.

Career Panel Event – Feb. 7th

The Loyola Black Student Association along with the GSA, Indigenous Advocacy Committee, and the Student Council are holding a Career Panel Event on Feb. 7th. This is a full day event during school hours and everyone from Grades 9-12 are welcome to attend! You will have the opportunity to network, connect, and complete workshops with professionals from a variety of careers. Lunch will also be included for students. Please scan the QR code on the posters around the school to register before Feb 5th if you are interested.

Student Services

Student Services will be calling down students by grade level, to book an appointment. Teachers, we apologize for the interruptions that this will cause. 

Students may book an appointment for the following reasons: 

  1. Missing required course for graduation or post-secondary requirements. (Gr 11 and Gr 12) 
  2. To fill an empty block in your schedule. 
  3. You need to make a level/pathway change. 
  4. You took a course in night school and it is still on your schedule. 
  5. You were unsuccessful in a course last semester. 

Unfortunately, due to many courses that are at capacity we are not able to make changes to balance course loads in a semester. The counsellors will make every effort to support you with your requests; however, a change may not be possible. We will see the students that request an appointment, but please know it will not be possible for us to see everyone today. Students are to follow their timetables and participate in classes until a change has been made by a counsellor.  

Scott, JoanneMonday, February 5, 2024