Monday, May 27, 2024

Monday May 27, 2024

Attention Graduates!

Attention graduates. This is a reminder to complete the Google Form that was emailed to you by Mrs. Smith to request the number of tickets you need for the graduation ceremony on June 25th. This form is due this Friday, by May 31st.

Student Services

Just a reminder that applications for the Ontario Justice Education Network Bursary are due TODAY and the mandatory in-person preplacement class for Summer School Co-op is Thursday May 30th at Thomas Merton Centre.

Pride Pop-up Shop

Hey Hawks! Starting this Friday, May 31st during 3A and 3B lunches until Wednesday June 5th we will be hosting a Pride Pop Up Shop in the atrium. Come by and checkout the goods we have for purchase. See you then!

Blue Jay Ticket Raffle and Summer Family Fun Drive

This is a reminder to all staff and students of two important end of the year initiatives by your Indiginous Advocacy Committee. First up is our 2024 Toronto Blue Jays Fundraiser Raffle! We have once again received a very generous donation from the Toronto Blue Jays of 4 Premium Game Tickets and Attendance at Batting Practice on Game Day and the winner will have several dates to choose from. Tickets are $10 each or 3 tickets for $25 and are available through school cash online until midnight June 2nd. You can also purchase tickets with cash in the Main Office. All of the money raised will go to support the very important WAB Youth Program in Thunder Bay. The lucky winner will be announced on Monday June 3rd! Next up: We have begun our Spring Drive in support of Child & Family Services (Family Gatherings) at Six Nations. This will be our last drive of the school year; we want it to be our best yet and we really hope we can count on your support! Scooters & Bikes, Bubbles & Balls, Diapers & Wipes! For this drive, our theme is “Summer Family Fun” and we would like to provide games and activities that will encourage families and their children to play outdoors. So, things like sidewalk chalk, bubbles, bacci ball, kites, baseball, badminton, jump ropes, hoola hoops and anything else that will encourage outdoor play for children of all ages. We are also looking for skateboards, scooters & bycicles in good working condition. In addition, there is still a tremendous need for diapers and wipes. Don’t have time to shop? Let us do the shopping for you! Simply make a donation through school cash online (in $5 increments) and we are happy to do the shopping for you! We will be accepting donations through the month of May and will deliver them at the beginning of June. June is National Indigenous History Month, a time to focus on turning reconciliation into reconciliaction! Remember, Six Nations of the Grand River is only 52 km away from Loyola and it is the largest First Nations reserve in Canada with almost 13,000 members living on reserve. Let us once again, show our Indigenous neighbours the incredible giving spirit we have here at Loyola! Donations can be dropped off in the bin just outside the Main Office. Thank you for your continues support!

Chromebook Return Reminder

Bram Stoker’s novel, Dracula, was introduced to the public in May 1897. The character, Jonathan Harker, writes that Count Dracula has a “vast number” of books in his castle’s library. If Harker had used some math skills, he could have estimated the number of books in Count Dracula’s massive library by counting the number of books on one bookshelf, then multiplying by the number of bookshelves. On Monday, June 3 your Learning Commons will be counting the number of Chromebooks returned for Math EQAO in mid-June.

Scott, JoanneMonday, May 27, 2024