Monday, December 4, 2023

Computer Science Education Week!

Listen up students.  Today is the start of Computer Science Education week and the theme this year is “impacts of computing”.  Each day 5 words will be announced that are clues to the “computer science word of the day”.  Guess the word and you may win a prize.

Here are the 5 clues for today:


Email Mrs. Alfano at if you know the “computer science word of the day”!


If you’re interested in going into the healthcare industry, social sciences, forensics, kinesiology, dentistry, or veterinary medicine, the HOSA club might be for you! HOSA allows you to participate in Canada’s largest health science competition that takes place in May of next year, while gaining teamwork and leadership skills, as well as more knowledge in your interests. If this is something you’d like to be involved in, come to the Library on Monday, December 4th, after school for more information. All grades are welcome.

Girls Who Lift

Reminder girls who lift is running today after school.

Christmas Concert

Our Loyola Student Council is having their annual Christmas concert on December 22nd. We encourage anyone with any special talents like instrument playing, dancing or singing to submit an audition! They are due by December 14th and can be emailed to Mrs. Stewart of Despina Nicolopoulos!

Weight Room Open

Hey Hawks, Do you want to get in the gym but don’t have a gym membership? The weight room will be open after school on Tuesdays and Thursdays from 2:30 – 3:30. If you’re interested, come to the PhysEd office and get a permission form from Mr. Schoutsen. All athletes are encouraged to come out!

Slips, Trips and Falls Announcements

The risk of slipping, tripping, and falling increases dramatically during winter months. To help yo stay safe this season, here’s a winter safety tip to prevent slips, trips and falls:

Use special care when getting in and out of vehicles. Try to park your vehicle in a clear area and watch where you step as you get in or out.

Scott, JoanneMonday, December 4, 2023