Pride Awareness Day

On Monday, June 14th, we will hold Pride Awareness Day– a day to reaffirm our commitment to honour the dignity and worth of each member of our community by nurturing safe, welcoming and inclusive schools.

As Catholics, we believe that we are all made in the image and likeness of a God who created us and loves us unconditionally – just as we are. We are called to know, love and celebrate one another, just as God knows, loves and celebrates each one of us because we are “wonderfully made.” We honour the inherent dignity in each other by treating one another with sensitivity, compassion and respect.

Throughout the month of June, all HCDSB schools are raising awareness around Pride Month. We begin the third week of June with a system-wide Pride Awareness Day – an opportunity to pause and reflect on what we have learned about Pride and what we can do individually and together to create welcoming and inclusive schools where all students feel a true sense of belonging.

Brophy, PatrickPride Awareness Day