Corpus Christi Used Uniform Donation Collection

Dear Parents, & Guardians

At Corpus Christi, we believe in extending the life of our uniforms by reusing them. With this in mind, we are requesting your help in donating any gently used uniforms that are still in good condition and could be worn by another student. By donating your child’s outgrown uniforms, you can help us save families money and reduce our impact on the environment.

Corpus Christi Parent Council will be holding a Used Uniform Sale on the evening of March 23rd, 2023

Donations of used uniform items are gratefully appreciated throughout the school year, and we will be collecting them between:

Monday Feb 21th – Tuesday March 21st, 2023.

Please look for the designated drop-off area by the entrance to the school.

We kindly ask that the uniforms you donate meet the following requirements:

  • Should be clean and in good repair.
  • Should not be stained or ripped.
  • Should have been purchased as an official uniform item.
  • Should have your child’s name removed, where possible.

With the continued rise in household costs, we hope this initiative can make a small difference by helping some of our families access uniforms. Thank you for your generosity in supporting the Corpus Christi Parent Council’s Used Uniform Sales.


Corpus Christi Parent Council

Braccio, Anne-MarieCorpus Christi Used Uniform Donation Collection