Aaron Bareno from Corpus Christi Catholic Secondary School Leads Learning Session at TechPlace

Congratulations to Corpus Christi Catholic Secondary School Cooperative Education student Aaron Bareno, who recently developed and facilitated a successful learning session, “PathFinder,” held at TechPlace in Burlington.

Aimed at connecting youth with industry leaders, students obtained valuable advice related to career planning and various fields of work. Through a panelist discussion and networking opportunities, students connected with seasoned professionals who shared expertise in business, IT, innovation, technology, and entrepreneurship.

It was a wonderful event filled with learning and inspiration. Students gained tips on navigating future career paths and building meaningful connections and opportunities for the future.

A special thank you to TechPlace for being a valued co-op employer and providing continual opportunities for youth engagement in our community.

Sareen, RuchikaAaron Bareno from Corpus Christi Catholic Secondary School Leads Learning Session at TechPlace