Tuesday, June 7, 2022

Girls Who Lift

This is a reminder that “girls who lift” will be on today after school in the weight room. All girls grades 9-12 are welcome to join in!

Loyola Archive Group

Attention all archive group students. Please meet in the gym today after school for our last day of filming. Please see Kristin if you have questions or cannot make it.

Loyola Spirit Day

This is a reminder that tomorrow is Loyola Spirit Day Wednesday. Wear your Loyola spirit wear with your uniform bottoms.

Life Skills Track & Field

All students participating in the Life Skills indoor track and field meet please meet in the atrium at 9:00.

Ultimate Team

This is a reminder to all Ultimate Team members to return your jersey to room 173 by the end of the week.

Graduation BBQ

Attention graduating grade 12s. This is a reminder that your grad barbeque is this Thursday during periods 3 and 4. As we will be outside, you are encouraged to bring sunscreen, a hat, sunglasses and a water bottle. And no need to bring your lunch that day as it is provided. 

And for those attending prom, if you haven’t submitted your table group on the Google Form, tomorrow is your last day to do so. You can find the link to the Google Form on the Student Services D2L site, under Content and then under Grade 12 Grad Info. 

A Message From Your Learning Commons (aka Library)

“A lot of books have the word return in their titles. For example, Brian’s Return by Gary Paulsen, and The Return: Nightfall by Lisa Smith.”

“Speaking of the word return, it’s that time of year again to return overdue library items. All books and computers that are signed out need to be returned by June 17th. Thank you.”

Scott, JoanneTuesday, June 7, 2022