Care-Giver Burnout Presentation – Thursday 30th May 2024

St FX is pleased to be hosting a speaker for parents and guardians on a topic that is affecting so many Care-Giver Burnout and Burnout. 

Mieka Forte is a psychotherapist and Co-Director at The Therapy Collective in Milton, which specialises in Psychotherapy and Wellness. They specialise in working with adults struggling with care-giver burnout and burnout in general. In this presentation Ms Forte will be educating us on the signs, symptoms and physical impacts of care-giver burnout and burnout as well as teaching practical tools and skills that can be immediately applied to help support someone who may be dealing with the challenges of burnout and help with burnout recovery.

Lloyd, PippaCare-Giver Burnout Presentation – Thursday 30th May 2024