Culminating & Exam Information

Good Afternoon Notre Dame Families,

We hope everyone is enjoying the joys and blessings of the Advent Season. As we continue in the month of December, we begin preparations for the end of semester one, which will include culminating assessments and exams for many of our students.

For many students, this will be their first time participating in the exam process. Teachers are working with students to ensure they are adequately prepared for exams and have opportunities to practice exam-like assessment questions. In the New Year, we will offer some lunch and/or after school exam prep sessions for students to participate in. Please keep an eye on your email and our @insideND Instagram account for more details as they become available.

Here is a reminder of our semester one exam schedule:

We have also prepared a Notre Dame Culminating Calendar for families to review.

It is expected that students are present and on time for all culminating assessments and exams. 

  • If a student is absent due to illness, the parent/guardian must contact Mr. Ilczyszyn or Mrs. Morrow by 8:00 AM on the day of the culminating or exam.  A medical note may be required.  
  • The culminating or examination will be rescheduled upon discussion with administration during the exam period of January 26 to February 2.
  • If the absence is at the end of the exam period, arrangements will be made for the student to complete any outstanding assessments at the beginning of semester two.
  • Absences not substantiated by a medical certificate or not authorized by the school may result in a mark of “0”.

If your child(ren) has a conflict with their culminating activity or exam, please reach out to their Vice Principal as soon as possible.

Mr. Ilczyszyn – Last names A to L Mrs. Morrow – Last names M to Z 

Please reach out to the administration with any questions.

Sincere thanks,

The Notre Dame Admin Team

Morrow, AmandaCulminating & Exam Information