SOAR – Business Leadership Conference

Our 21st annual Business Leadership Conference is coming up on Wednesday May 3rd, 2023! Please consider this as an official invitation to attend this year’s conference as a guest!

Each year, the Business Leadership students strive to create the best possible conference for all who attend. The Leadership Conference is a venue for students to realize their fullest potential and push themselves to see what they are truly capable of. This conference is completely student-run under the direction and guidance of Ms. Power and Mr. Barbati.  

This year’s Leadership Conference theme is “Soar”. The goal is to inspire Notre Dame students and guests to soar high and rise up to achieve their goals by having them listen to various motivational speakers coming from different backgrounds and life experiences.

Over the past 20 years, the conference has hosted some impressive Keynote speakers such as Hayley Wickenheiser, Kaleb Dahlgren (Humboldt Bronco Bus Crash Survivor), Clara Hughes, John Montgomery (The Amazing Race), Justin Trudeau, Paul Henderson, Michael “Pinball” Clemons, Craig Kielburger, Spencer West, and Sarah Blackwood (Walk off the Earth) and Lights. 

Our session speakers have included people such as Walter Gretzky, Nav Bhatia (Raptors Superfan), Ron McLean, Kia Nurse, John Tavares, Elly Gotz (Holocaust Survivor), Geronimo Henry (Residential School Survivor) and many more. Our Conference has become a notable annual event that several hundred students attend each year! 

This year we decided to do something different! Instead of having a keynote speaker, we will be introducing Notre Dame’s Business Leadership Conference’s first keynote panel which consists of notable Notre Dame Alumni who have been able to “Soar” in their own lives. In addition to this, we are keeping all our speakers for this year local. This allows students to have the opportunity to connect more with the speakers. These speakers have all come from the same place as them, and have been able to “Soar” growing up in the same neighborhoods. This provides students with the opportunity to see themselves in our successful lineup of speakers. This year’s conference allows students to interact with the speakers, and with today’s world moving towards career paths which are not set-in-stone 9-5 careers, students will be able to ask these speakers questions so that they can better understand the steps they need to take to have successful futures and to “Soar”!

This year’s Keynote Panel consists of:

The day will begin with a breakfast, and then attendees will go into their individual speaker sessions where they will listen to two guest speakers. Following that all guests will proceed to the gymnasium to listen to our keynote panel and then finally, have the chance to attend a Meet and Greet with the keynote speaker and some of the session speakers as well.

The session speakers of this year’s conference include:

The main goal of the Conference is to inspire students to realize their leadership capabilities and to recognize their ability to make a positive impact on the world. With our theme this year being “Soar,” we believe that it is more important than ever to encourage students to reach great highs and strive to reach their goals, no matter how high.

Tickets are $7 and include a breakfast, a chance to win door prizes, an opportunity to listen to and meet our inspiring speakers, and a loot bag. Tickets are available on cash online now and will be available for cash sales starting on Tuesday April 25th. Students must bring in a copy of their receipt to the spectrum at lunch to receive their ticket and choose their session speakers. All ticket sales will close May 1st, and all tickets must be picked up by May 2nd. This is a full-day event.

Parents and guardians are more than welcome to attend the event; however, they must fill out the guest google form to confirm they are attending after payment:

If you have any questions please feel free to email this year’s CEO, Tiana Kayemba, at

Looking forward to seeing you all at this year’s conference!

Robinson, BarbSOAR – Business Leadership Conference