Halloween Costume Guidelines

Dear Notre Dame Students, Parents and Guardians,

We will be celebrating Halloween on Monday, October 31st. This is a great time to dress up, have fun with costumes and build community.

In our Catholic education community, we want to promote respect, inclusion and empathy for all individuals. As students select Halloween costumes, we encourage everyone to reflect critically, be mindful of cultural appropriation and create welcoming school environments for all.

The following are questions to reflect on when choosing a costume to avoid being disrespectful or offensive:

  • Is my costume making fun or offensive towards a group of people, their culture or religion?
  • Does my costume reinforce jokes and stereotypes about certain groups, cultures or religions?
  • Am I altering my skin color, facial/body features to make it darker or like a particular race, ethnicity, or cultural group?
  • Am I dressing up as a culture or borrowing from a religion that is not my own or is not part of my background?
  • Do I understand and respect the history or tradition of the culture that I am borrowing my costume from?

Costume masks or face coverings are not allowed. Replica or prop weapons are not allowed as part of your costume. Please ensure your costume is conducive to a learning environment. If you have questions about the appropriateness of your costume, please speak to administration.

Warmest Regards,

The Notre Dame Admin Team

Morrow, AmandaHalloween Costume Guidelines