Attendance Policy

For information on how to report a student absence, click here.

Regular and punctual attendance for all classes and scheduled activities (Masses, Assemblies, etc.) is compulsory and critical for the student’s learning and achievement of course expectations.  If a student must attend an appointment during school time, he or she must report to the Attendance office to sign out. Students must report to the Attendance office to sign in when they return to school from their appointment.

Students are responsible for all course work and assignments while absent. A doctor’s note is required when missing an examination or culminating tasks due to illness.

Students who miss one or more classes during the school day will not be allowed to participate in any co-curricular activity at the end of that school day without the permission of the school administration.

Occurrence  Action
1 to 5 Absences
  • Call home by the automated attendance system
  • Teacher discusses absence with student
  • Teacher will contact home at 5 absences
6-10 Absences
  • Teacher discusses effect of absences on performance
  • Teacher refers student to a vice principal and further action will be taken
15-20 absences
  • Attendance Officer will be notified
Occurrence  Action
1st, 2nd, 3rd, and 4th Truancies
  • Teacher/ Vice Principal discusses truancy with the student
  • Parent/Guardian will be informed
  • Student must have a note from the vice principal before returning to class
  • Detentions will be assigned
Further Truancies
  • The student may be suspended
  • The credit may be deferred
  • Notwithstanding the above, the school administration will take any action deemed necessary in support of the school code of conduct

Trips and Vacations

Although trips and vacations may provide diverse learning experiences, the school does not support travel or vacations during class time.  The content covered in each course is important and requires daily attendance.  While parents may choose to travel during the school year, the time missed from class is recorded as an absence and counted in the total absence record for the semester.  A significant number of absences place a student’s mark in jeopardy due to the loss of instructional time and assessment therefore evaluation becomes problematic.

All notification of absence 5 days or longer due to vacation or family trip must be submitted in writing to the Vice-Principal.  An Extended Absence Form must be completed prior to the trip.  The student must consult with their teachers to determine what work needs to be done to keep up to date.  Any assignments that are due while they are away should be completed and handed in when due.

Early Dismissal

If a student must leave school during the day it must be reported through School Messenger.  Students should sign out in the attendance office when leaving.  When a student returns to the school, they must report to the attendance office to sign in.

Illness During Class Time

If a student becomes ill during class, They must notify their teacher.  They must report to the Office immediately and the secretary will arrange for them to contact parents, go to the sick room or go home. School personnel are not authorized to dispense medication.


All parent approved lates must be reported through School Messenger.

If you arrive to school after period one has started, due to an early morning appointment, upon arrival the student must report to the Attendance Office in order to receive an admit slip to class.

A teacher will refer students to the Vice Principal at the 5th late.  The Vice Principal will contact parents and inform them of the consequences for the excessive lates.​

Occurrence  Action
1 to 4 Lates
  • Discussion between the teacher and the student.
  • Contact home at the 4th late by teacher.
5th Late
  • Teacher refers student to Vice Principal
  • Discussion with student and vice principal.
  • Vice Principal will contact the parent and inform them that disciplinary action will be taken.
6th Late or more
  • Disciplinary action will be taken by administration which may include detention or suspension.
De Franco, RobAttendance Policy