Welcome Back!

Today marks the start of a new school year, a very different one than any of us have experienced in the past. There are new rules and protocols to follow, new technologies to learn, and teachers are working hard at finding new ways to teach in a manner that is engaging and keeps students and staff healthy and safe. It is perfectly understandable to be experiencing frustration or anxiety under these circumstances!

As valid as those emotions are, none of us want to live in those emotions constantly! As we learn how to do things differently, we need to help and encourage one another so we don’t get stuck always focusing on the negative. We have become so accustomed to convenience in our society, that it is easy to forget that there are benefits and rewards of taking on difficult things and persevering through!

The virtue of hope is one that we (hopefully!) will be working on cultivating as we navigate the various challenges set before us. Hope does not ignore the problem or challenge, but reminds us that God has gifted us with people, talents, and grace to help us confront those challenges!

So as we face the challenges of the days ahead, let us commit to looking for the good in the everyday moments; to recognizing the learning and growth that are possible as we take on the challenge of this new school year together, remembering that our God is with us every step of the way.

“...but those who hope in the Lord will renew their strength. They will soar on wings like eagles; they will run and not grow weary, they will walk and not be faint.” (Isaiah 40:31)

Taylor, AndreaWelcome Back!