Assumption Student a Panelist at Swift’s App Development Co-op Conference!

In June 2023, Grade 12 student, Jude Henderson, was invited to be a student judge and panelist at Swift’s “Develop The Future” App Development Co-op Conference.

As part of the conference, secondary students were invited to create an app and pitch their ideas to Jude and the rest of the expert judging panel.

On the panel, Jude discussed his co-op experience with Swift Apple Developer, a powerful and intuitive app programming language for Apple platforms.

Guests at the conference also heard from Jude and other student panelists regarding the impact of co-op education and how it prepared them with the skills to enter college and university while solidifying their majors in UI/UX design and computer science.

Congratulations, Jude, and best of luck as you continue your education in Computing at Queen’s University in September 2023!

Gligoric, JulianaAssumption Student a Panelist at Swift’s App Development Co-op Conference!