School Communication #7

Good morning!  Below are a few items from Assumption to start off your week ….

Anaphylaxis Reminders for Parents/Students

This is a reminder that there are students in our school with life threatening allergies to peanuts/tree nuts. Some students have such a high sensitivity to the peanut/tree nut protein that even a trace amount from a known peanut/nut product or a food product/ltem that has come in contact with a peanut/nut source (cross contamination) and is ingested can result in a life threatening anaphylactic reaction. The most serious reaction being respiratory difficulties, blockage of the airways, which if not medicated immediately, can lead to death. 

The Law: An Act to Protect Anaphylactic Pupils – Sabrina’s Law, An Act to Protect Anaphylactic Pupils received royal assent in June 2005 making it law for each school in Ontario to provide an anaphylaxis Student Plan of Care that will reduce the risk of exposure to anaphylactic causative agents (e.g. peanuts/tree nut protein) in the classroom and common school areas.

Avoidance and Prevention – Products that contain or ‘may contain’ peanuts and tree nuts are not to be brought onto school site.  Students who are anaphylactic are reminded to carry their epipens with them at all times.  A spare epipen can be stored in the main office – a practice which is highly encouraged by the school.

We thank you in advance for your support of this important issue.

Farm Fresh Fundraiser

Farm Fresh Fundraiser

Since 2013 Fresh from the Farm school fundraising has connected over 2,200 schools with Ontario farmers and enabled them to raise over $1.9 million for school initiatives by selling over 4.3 million pounds of Ontario grown fruits and vegetables. 

  • This is available through School Cash under the student School Cash accounts 
  • If you can, please consider buying 1, and donating 1 to our local food bank, parishes and families in need within the Assumption school community.
  • This fundraiser benefits the school (school receives 40% of fundraiser proceeds – funds will be donated to our Special Education department). 
  • Donated packages will go to families in need within the Burlington community (local parishes, foodbank, & within school community); and supports local farmers.

2023/2024 Catholic School Council

Last Tuesday evening, the 2023/2024 Assumption Catholic School Council formed in the school’s library.  The following have volunteered to represent our school community:

ChairMelanie Skrlac
Co-ChairBelinda Bastos
Fundraising CoordinatorBriana Hamlet
TreasurerPascale Lapointe-Antunes
Parish RepresentativeGabriella Starcevic
Community RepresentativeSandra Ponikvar
SecretaryKathryn Rizzi
Parent RepresentativesCathy Kirin
 Fernanda Campos
 Marnie Jennings
 Mike Clark
 Rudy Dahdal
 Santa Silvestri
 Sheila DeSousa
 Tabitha Riccio

We thank all of those above for your volunteerism and we look forward to working with you this year!

Additional Sections/Classes  

We are writing to let you know that we have had an influx of students over the summer and through September and we are having to reorganize some of our secondary classes in order to comply with Ministry of Education staffing and class size guidelines.

As a result of this reorganization, your child may no longer have the same classroom teacher. Your child’s learning strengths and needs will be prioritized during this reorganization, along with creating a classroom with a balance of learning abilities. There will be no negative impact on your child’s learning progress as all section teachers have been following the same sequence of instruction to ensure the continuity of learning this year.  

Change is never easy, and we know that class changes can sometimes be difficult for our students. Please know that we are committed to ensuring a positive transition to meet the needs of our students in a safe, welcoming learning environment.

Thank you for your patience and understanding as we work through this process.

To Pay for Your 2023/2024 Student Activity Fees:

Student Activity Fee: $65 (Yearbook, Clubs and Activities, Student Theatre, Guest Speakers, Student Awards, School Gatherings and BBQ’s, etc, etc …)

Crusader’s Care: $20 to wear Civvies on the last Thursday of the Month (Money helps our own families within our Assumption community, charities, etc…)

No Parking at St. Paul’s

Please refrain from parking at St. Paul’s C.E.S.  St. Paul’s has limited space and do use their parking lot for various school activities.  There is no parking during Assumption sporting events or at any other time during the school day.  Thank you for your attention to this.

Printing in the Library

The school will be limiting the amount of printing that takes place in our school’s library.  Moving forward, there will be no printing of class notes or major projects.  We have found too much unnecessary printing in our recycle bins and around the school.  It has become a drain on our financial resources as well due to the amount of paper and toner being used through our printers and photocopiers.  We have asked our teachers to consider electronic submissions of tasks and we continue to work with our school’s eco team as we aim to reduce the amount of waste compiled by our Assumption community.  We appreciate your support in our efforts to be more ecologically friendly.

Upcoming Events in October:

4thSchool Thanksgiving Prayer Services
6th PA Day (Faith Day)
9th Thanksgiving (School Closed)
10thSheridan College Visit (Lunches in Atrium)
11thOCAD University Virtual Presentation (1:00 – 2:00 p.m.) See Guidance for more information
12thParent/Teacher Interviews & Family Engagement Evening (Sign up Information for interviews coming soon)
18thCanadian Armed Forces Visit (Lunches in Atrium)
19thPhoto Retake Day
23rdMcMaster University Visit (Lunches in the Atrium)
26thAP Information Night 6:00 – 8:00 p.m.

Keep Connected!

Web:        Twitter: @AssumptionHCDSB       Instagram: @assumptioncrusader 

On behalf of our staff, we wish you a wonderful week!

Assumption C.S.S.

French, JenniferSchool Communication #7