Grade Assembly Presentation Semester 2

Please have a look at the presentation students received during their 2nd week of semester 2. Presentation touches on many issues like attendance, lates, uniform policy, vaping/smoking, bussing, parking etc.


Celebrating Our Catholic School Graduates!

We are thrilled to announce the launch of the HCDSB Alumni Award – and we’re looking for nominations!

About the Award 

The HCDSB Alumni Award has been created as part of the board’s 50th Anniversary Celebration, 


Welcome to Semester 2!

Hopefully first term went well for you, and you are satisfied with your results.  But if that was not your experience, don’t let past mistakes define your future endeavours!  Successful people learn from past experiences,


Update #4: OECTA Announces One-Day Strike on Tues. Jan 21, 2020

The Ontario English Catholic Teachers’ Association (OECTA) announced today that they will hold a one-day, province-wide full withdrawal of services on Tuesday, January 21, 2020.

We are currently gathering information and will follow up with parents and guardians as soon as we have more to share.


Did You Apply For AP?

Wondering when you will find out?

Notification Process

Notifications will start going out February 3rd, 2020.
Parents/Guardians will be contacted via email to indicate the status of their son/daughter’s AP Application.


Update #3: Grade 9 Math EQAO Postponed

This is a follow-up to the announcement by the Ontario English Catholic Teachers’ Association (OECTA) confirming that they will begin ‘job action’ as of Monday, January 13, 2020.

In light of this job action,

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