Culminating & Exam Information

Good Afternoon Notre Dame Families,

We hope everyone is enjoying the joys and blessings of the Advent Season. As we continue in the month of December, we begin preparations for the end of semester one,


Weekly Update Jan 16 – 20, 2023

Semester 2 Course Changes? Make appointments in Student Services prior to January 25.

Monday January 16

English Help for ANYONE interested 2:30pm – 4:00pm in Rooms 138 and 139 today and next Monday.


Tiny Home Project Progress

Tiny Home Project Underway!

The Tiny Home Project for the 2022-2023 school year is well underway at Notre Dame!

This September, students enrolled in Mr. Nason’s construction class, as well as student volunteers began a construction project of building a Tiny Home to gain valuable hands-on experience and to offer affordable housing for communities in need.


Academic Awards 2021-2022

This week, we are celebrated Notre Dame’s 32nd Annual Academic Awards.  

Our 2021-2022 award recipients have once again, through difficult times, demonstrated their perseverance through the challenges from starting their year with in-person quadmesters to a return to a traditional semester format.


Weekly Update Dec 12 – 16

St. Nicholas will make an appearance this Sunday December 11 after the 9:30 am and 11am Mass at St. Gabriel’s parish. We invite all young kids and their families to take part. Kids are welcome after the Mass to get chocolate and candy as well as take pictures with him.

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