School Communication #4

Good morning,

Each year our school must conduct emergency rehearsals or drills. These planned rehearsals are important in ensuring that staff and students are prepared in the event of a real emergency.

The protocol requires the following number of drills in each school year:

  • Six (6) fire drills
  • Two (2) lockdown drills
  • One (1) bomb Evacuation drill

The drills are planned ahead of time, and advance notice and reminder of the drills will be shared with parents. This year, our drills are planned as follows*:

September 12 (10:30 am)
September 14 (1:30 pm)
November 24 (9:00 am)
May 28 (9:00 am)
June 4 (10:30 am)
June 13 (1:30 pm)
October 18 (Time TBD) April 9 (Time TBD)November 15 (TBD)

*Please note that the dates above are always subject to change. If there are any changes in date we will certainly communicate this to you.

To learn more about the Halton Police/School Board Protocol, please go to:

If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact the main office.


The Assumption Admin Team

French, JenniferSchool Communication #4