School Communication #55

Good evening Assumption families!  Below are a few items of interest as we bring the 2023/2024 school year to a close:

Exam Review Day – TOMORROW!

Date: Thursday,


School Communication #53 – Adjusted Schedule June 5th updated

Good evening Assumption parents and students.  This is just a reminder of the change of times for tomorrow as a result of our End-of-Year Prayer Service.  Tomorrow’s schedule will be as follows (please note period 2 and prayer service have been switched):

8:10 am.            


School Communication #52 – Grade 9 EQAO

Good morning Assumption families,

If your child is currently enrolled in grade 9 Mathematics for semester 2 of the 2023/2024 school year (MTH1W or MTH1WA), please review the attached document as it outlines the pertinent information for the upcoming EQAO Ministry testing. 


School Communication #51 – Request for Photos

Good morning once again.  We are making an appeal for photos of the various evenings, club and sporting events that have taken place over the 2023/2024 school year.  If you care to share them and would be willing for the school to use them for promotional and yearbook purposes,


School Communication #50

Good morning Assumption families – hoping everyone enjoyed the May long weekend!  Please see below for some items of interest from Assumption C.S.S.:

Relay for Life Auction and Other News:

Assumption is readying itself for our Relay for Life this Thursday,


School Communication #50 – Arts Night Canceled

Good afternoon – Regrettably, and due to circumstances beyond our control, we will be cancelling the Assumption Arts Night which was scheduled for the evening of May 22, 2024. 

Apologies to all involved and for those who had purchased tickets. 

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