Advent Newsletter

Advent is a time of waiting in hope, peace, joy and love. Let us use this time of Christmas preparations wisely and find moments to pause and reflect on what it means that our God entered human history and joined us in our humanity. Read More » 

The Challenge & Promise of Lent

In many ways, it feels as if last year’s Lenten season never ended, and here we are marking the beginning of another. Lent, 6 weeks of fasting, prayer and almsgiving,


November – a Month to Remember

Seasonally, November is usually the month when the leaves shed the last of their leaves, the weather gets colder, daylight grows shorter, and the landscape turns a little greyer as much of nature appears to shut down for the winter months ahead.


Welcome Back!

Today marks the start of a new school year, a very different one than any of us have experienced in the past. There are new rules and protocols to follow,

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