Digital Learning Resources

The following are links to a variety of digital resources for students and families to access during this period of school closure due to COVID-19. These resources are not intended to replace the curriculum which students would have been receiving if they had been back in school.


Community & COVID19

The world feels like a very different place than when I left Assumption on the Friday before March Break. In some ways, the differences are obvious – moving on on-line grocery shopping,


Lenten Homeroom Challenge!

Assumption students are being asked to think about all the ways they can develop a more generous disposition this Lent with our annual 40 Acts of Generosity Campaign! This year,


Grade Assembly Presentation Semester 2

Please have a look at the presentation students received during their 2nd week of semester 2. Presentation touches on many issues like attendance, lates, uniform policy, vaping/smoking, bussing, parking etc.


Celebrating Our Catholic School Graduates!

We are thrilled to announce the launch of the HCDSB Alumni Award – and we’re looking for nominations!

About the Award 

The HCDSB Alumni Award has been created as part of the board’s 50th Anniversary Celebration, 

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