School Generated Funds

What are School Generated Funds?

School generated funds (SGFs) are funds that are received, raised or collected in the name of our school or a school activity. Many of these funds are raised through the direct involvement of the Catholic School Council and our parent community.

Annual Fundraising Plan

Each year, we prepare an Annual Fundraising Plan that outlines how and when we plan to raise funds in our school community, how we plan on using the funds raised, and the projected fundraising amounts and costs.

Notre Dame Annual School Generated Funds Plan Summary 2024

Notre Dame – Annual School Generated Funds Plan Summary 2023

Notre Dame – Annual School Generated Funds 2022-2023

Notre Dame – Annual SGF Plan 2021-2022

Notre Dame – Annual SGF Plan 2020-2021

Annual SGF Plan 2018-19

Annual SGF Plan 2017-18

School Generated Fund Reports

In accordance with our Board procedure, the Principal provides a report on School Generated Funds to the Catholic School Council a minimum of three times each school year. These SGF reports are posted on our school website at the end of November, February and May.

The following is the list of SGF Reports and Annual Fundraising Plans for our school:

School Generated Funds Reporting 2023-2024

June Report – Coming Soon!

School Generated Funds Reporting 2022-2023

June 2023

February 2023

November 2022

School Generated Funds Reporting 2021-2022

June 2022

February 2022

November 2021

School Generated Funds Reporting 2020-2021

June 2021 

February 2021

November 2020

January 2020

School Generated Funds Reporting 2019-2020

June 2019

February 2019

School Generated Funds Reporting 2018-2019

November 2018

June 2018

February 2018

School Generated Funds Reporting 2017-2018

October 2017

May 2017

January 2017

School Generated Funds Reporting 2016-2017

De Franco, RobSchool Generated Funds