Dress Down and Speak Up Awareness Day 

Sweatshops produce many of our everyday products including clothing, toys, shoes, and furniture – including many designer brands. As consumers, we do not think much about the “MADE IN” labels sewn on our clothes, if we notice it at all. But woven invisibly into the fabric of the clothes we wear are stories of individuals—often women—who cut, stitch, and glue the shoes, shirts, and pants that we pick from store shelves and hang in our closets.    

On Wednesday, March 9th, students are invited to wear a nonuniform top ‘inside out and backward’, along with their uniform bottoms, so the ‘MADE IN’ tag is visible. Students will be invited to find out where their top was made on a global ‘clothes map’ in the atrium during their lunch period. This awareness day is hosted by the STA Development and Peace Student Club. 

“In satisfying the demands for low prices from Western consumers, factory owners around the globe are compromising the health and safety of workers. Shop ethically and find out where your clothes are being made so you do not put other people’s lives in jeopardy.’’ United Nations 

Clancy, KimberleyDress Down and Speak Up Awareness Day