School Communication #6

Good afternoon – a few items from Assumption C.S.S.:

Fresh from the Farm Fundraiser – an initiative in association with our Life Skills Students

Since 2013 Fresh from the Farm school fundraising has connected over 2,200 schools with Ontario farmers and enabled them to raise over $1.9 million for school initiatives by selling over 4.3 million pounds of Ontario grown fruits and vegetables. 


School Communication #4

Good morning,

Each year our school must conduct emergency rehearsals or drills. These planned rehearsals are important in ensuring that staff and students are prepared in the event of a real emergency.


School Communication #3

Good morning, Assumption Parents/Guardians,

We wanted to update you to let you all know that we have had an extremely successful 1st week of school. Extra-curriculars are starting back up and the energy in the school is fantastic! 


School Communication #2

Good morning Assumption Families!  Below are some updates regarding our start-up next week:

Tuesday, September 5, 2023 – P.A. Day – NO CLASSES

This upcoming Tuesday is a Professional Activities Day to start the 2023/2024 school year. 


School Communication #1

Welcome back for the 2023/2024 school year!  Hopefully everyone enjoyed a fun-filled, relaxing summer with family and friends and are readying themselves for the new opportunities that lie ahead.  This year will be packed with events for both students and community members alike and we look forward to hosting all associated with our Assumption family.

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