Best Buddies Program at Bishop Reding: A Year of Success and Recognition

This school year, the Best Buddies program at Bishop Reding Catholic Secondary School has made a significant impact on the school community, fostering a spirit of inclusivity and compassion.

The program’s efforts have been rewarded with an award for their “Best Buddies Chapter,” acknowledging the dedication and hard work of its members. Additionally, Best Buddies Canada recognized the chapter’s success with a national feature article, highlighting the meaningful friendships, activities, games, field trips, and fundraising events that have taken place throughout the year.

Best Buddies pairs students with intellectual and developmental disabilities with peer volunteers, creating one-on-one friendships that extend beyond the classroom. These relationships have become an integral part of the school community, enhancing the lives of all participants.

As the school year comes to a close, the achievements of the Best Buddies program at Bishop Reding will continue to inspire!

Read the national feature article about the Best Buddies program at Bishop Reding: Best Buddies Story Spotlight

Gligoric, JulianaBest Buddies Program at Bishop Reding: A Year of Success and Recognition